Program Design
Great Steps Ahead (GSA) is an early intervention service provider for Kern Regional Center. Mrs. Sharon Moffett-Almond, P.T., E.C.S.E., is the Program Director. GSA provides in home and site based family-centered early intervention services to infants and children from 0 to 3 years of age with identified disabilities, developmental differences, and infants at risk for developmental delays. These services are available throughout Inyo and Mono Counties of California. GSA partners with Discovery Point Preschool to provide inclusive Early Start services for clients after the age of 24 months.
Organizationally, GSA has a Program Director and numerous full or part time staff members. At the present time we employ, a physical therapist and early childhood educators and infant specialists. Mentor teachers and credentialed specialists with expertise in various developmental areas provide consultation and direction to programming as necessary. The Director is responsible for all fiscal and program records and reports, developmental assessments, staff hiring, training and supervision, program development and attendance at appropriate formal meetings. An ongoing in-service training is maintained with formal and informal case consultation weekly between pertinent trans-disciplinary team members.
Staff is available to provide services on a year round basis with service hours and site of services flexible and responsive to families’ priorities and needs. Services are not provided on major holidays and when road conditions are too hazardous for driving.