Through developmental assessment, clinical observation and interview, developmental outcomes are determined. Areas of weakness and strength are noted. Activities/curriculum that build on strengths and facilitate improvement in the areas of weakness are provided to the family and child in both written and verbal form.
Curricula are linked to many assessment tools used at GSA. Other curriculum activities are taken from a variety of professional therapy manuals, books and professional consultation and experience.
Because of the unique intervention strategies required, play is used as a window of opportunity to model, scaffold, and expand movement and exploration. A variety of developmentally appropriate toys, materials and positioning equipment are available for the staff and families to utilize with children. Direct teaching may be utilized for learning a skill in isolation. However, prompt generalization of the skill in play and natural environments will occur as soon as appropriate.
Family priorities and needs are also formally assessed through the I.F.S.P. process. After entrance into the program, families are provided with further information and assistance or referred to community resources as appropriate. Developmentally appropriate activities are addressed in an ongoing way during each service session through modeling, direct interaction and by responding to parent’s questions and concerns.