Client Evaluation and Program

Client Evaluation and Program

Infants and Toddlers referred to Great Steps Ahead in Mono and Inyo Counties have been formally evaluated and deemed eligible for early intervention services in accordance with the California Early Start Regulations (click here for regulations).

Outcomes and objectives are established for each child based on assessments and family priorities. If GSA is involved in the assessment process, a working knowledge of the child, necessary interventions and outcomes, and family priorities are known. If the child is referred without GSA participation in the evaluation team, the Director and specialist will review all pertinent records including: medical, audiological, nursing, nutrition, occupational and physical therapy, psychological, social and speech and language. Clarification of reports will be sought from appropriate professionals. Also the IFSP document will be reviewed in detail.

The curriculum and activities used are directly related to the objectives or outcomes previously established. There are a variety of developmental curricula that are connected to assessment tools.

The following are assessments tools and curricula commonly utilized at GSA:

1. Peabody Developmental Motor Scales: Details development in the Fine and Gross motor area only. This tool would be used when a severe motor disability is noted or to redefine fine motor dysfunction.

2. The Revised Developmental Screening Inventory: Assesses a wide range of skills including, fine motor, gross motor, social emotional-adaptive and language. This is a standard tool for basic monitoring of progress and levels of function.

3. Hawaii Early Learning Profile: This profile assesses motor, language, self-help, and cognitive, social-emotional areas. A curriculum is attached to the tool.

4. The Carolina Curriculum for Toddlers and Infants with Special Needs. This tool assesses domains of cognitive, communication, social adaptation, fine motor skills and gross motor skills. This tool is designed particularly for infants and children with disabilities. Curriculum is attached to this tool.

5. Receptive/Expressive Emergent Language Scale: Tool specifically used for language from 0 to 3 years of age.

6. Rossetti Infant Toddler Language Scale: A measure of communication and interaction.

Also used for programming are activities from a variety of professional therapy manuals, activity books and professional consultation. Often curriculum is “specialist written” in areas where there are unique intervention strategies required. Curriculum is often modified to fit the home environment and to facilitate family involvement.

Formal re-evaluation and program review on each participant is performed semi-annually or every 6 months. A written report of current levels of function, summary of objectives accomplished and suggested additional objectives to meet the outcomes initially established will be submitted to the family and the IFSP team for approval. Activities and curriculum